Teens and Adults Classes
The Mill Art Center & Gallery provides an environment in which the community can express and develop their artistic abilities through instruction, observation and interaction with professional artists. Our unique blend of classroom studios and professional gallery exhibition space encourages students to immerse themselves in art, with inspiration from instructors and the art that surrounds them. Our small class sizes ensure that each student gets plenty of one on one time in every class.
Children and teen classes follow the public school calendar. Arrangements may be made with specific instructors for make-up classes. Gift certificates for art classes and art purchases are available.
Due to a generous member donation and grant funding from the Genesee Valley Council of the Arts, the Mill At Center and Gallery is excited to be able to offer sign language interpreting for classes, talks and related programs. In order to successfully schedule an interpreter, we respectfully ask that requests are made two weeks prior to an event.
**** scroll all the way down to see complete listing ****
Our Classes make wonderful gifts, consider a gift certificate for someone special.
Our cancellation policy is noted at the bottom of the page. Please Read and be aware!!
Current Classes
Thursday Morning Painting with denise heischman
Denise offers instruction at all levels for people working with paint, pastels or dry media. Bring in your own resource materials and get ready to grow your artistic abilities with one on one guidance and support. A valued and trusted instructor of the Mill Art Center for years. This is an ongoing class.
Instructor :: Denise Heischman
Who :: Teens 18+ and Adults
Class Dates and Times :: Thursday mornings from 10 am -12:30 pm. Classes resume in February
Fee :: $120 for 6 classes - Register here and select from Painting and Drawing Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request, please allow 2 weeks. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Wednesday Morning PAINTING with lanna pejovic
Lanna offers instruction for all levels in oil and acrylics. Work on projects in painting of your choice and Lanna will provide advise and support to help you develop your individual color, composition and technique. This is an ongoing class. If you are a beginner, specific projects and a basic list of materials can be provided.
Instructor :: Lanna Pejovic
Who :: Teens 18+ and AdultsClass
Class Dates and Times :: Wednesday Mornings from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Fee :: $120 for 6 classes - Register here and select from Painting and Drawing Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request, please allow 2 weeks. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Linocut printmaking is a process of using hand held small cutting tools to carve a design into a linoleum plate, then rolling ink onto the surface with a brayer and printing it by hand or using an etching press. Any type of design either abstract or representational can be made with the tools. Textural areas can be made using different blades with the cutting tool. The plate can be printed in one color or spot inked in different colors using small brayers. This workshop will also offer reduction linocut. A reduction linocut is a method that uses a single block of linoleum to create a multi-colored print. The artist carves away more of the block for each layer of color, and then prints the block onto paper, each color on top of the previous color.
Instructor :: Barbara McPhail
Who :: Teens and Adults
Date :: Two Fridays, March 21st and 28th from 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Cost :: $120 includes all materials - Register here and select from Printmaking Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by March 7th. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions or email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Intuitive Painting
Intuitive painting happens when you truly have no set image in your head about how your art will look when you are finished painting, and, you just let your blank paper or canvas lead you each step of the way. It is an exciting way to paint because there are so many possibilities and ideas for every painting! It is liberating because there are no rules, there are no restraints, you just allow for each paint stroke or mark that you have made to speak to you about the next one. Imagine that you can’t see the finished image until it is complete and so you are completely freed up from needless self-analyzing or the punishing effect of overly scrutinizing your work. Lastly, it can be very meditative and self-reflective as you explore all the possible combinations of color, value, shape, visual texture that show up through your own personal style of mark-making. What you paint will be your very own intuitive style, generated from all that is within you…yet very much inspired by the world around you and your experience of being on this planet.
All materials will be provided.
Instructor :: Stephanie Kelly
Who :: Teens and Adults
Class Date and Time :: Sunday, March 23rd from 12 - 3 pm.
Fee :: $55 - Register here and select from Mixed Media Class dropdown - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by March 9th. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions or email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Watercolor and Pen
Join us in a new class offering designed for beginners. Carole will guide you step by step of the way in creating drawings with pencil and a micron pen. You will learn how to break down a composition by drawing shapes and then by adding detail and value to the composition. You will be surprised by the completed drawing once a watercolor wash is added to the picture. This class is for beginners but anyone is welcome to join in the fun. All materials provided.
Who :: 16 and up
Date :: Saturday, March 29th from 11 am - 2 pm
Fee :: $65 - Register here and select from Mixed Media Class dropdown - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by March 15th. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Neurographic Art Class
Don’t let this scientific name scare you! Neurographic art is simple, fun and highly addictive! In this class you will learn how to create unique neurographic paintings using Sharpies, acrylic markers, watercolor paper and watercolor brush pens. There will be two demonstrations showing you first, how to create your black neurographic lines and intersections; and, second, how to paint with watercolor pens and acrylic markers, beautifully filling in and enhancing your line work. All supplies are provided. Ages 12+. No art experience is necessary.
Instructor :: Stephanie Kelly
Who :: 12 and up
Date and Time :: Sunday, March 30th from 12 - 3:00 pm
Fee :: $45 - Register here and select from Mixed Media Class dropdown - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by March 16th. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Introduction to Watercolor
This class is designed for people who have no or little experience with watercolor painting and for those looking for a refresher.
Session One: “Water Rules!” We will review basic watercolor materials (paper, paint, brush and more). We will experiment with manipulating water and paint on wet and dry paper with a brush and by pouring, spraying, tilting, blowing water and paint on paper.
Session Two: “Where’s the White?” We will learn how to mix, layer and blend colors through different exercises and create color charts
Session Three: “Is There a Plan?” We will learn how to plan a painting with composition, lighting and colors.
Session Four: “Mix it Up!” We will learn how to include other medium with watercolor such as pen, ink, pastel and collage.
Instructor :: Donna Gustina
Who :: Older Teens and Adults
Date :: 4 Wednesdays, April 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th from 1:30 - 4 pm - 3 SPACES LEFT
Cost :: $165 - Register here and select from Painting and Drawing Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by March 26th. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions or email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Art Journaling
Capture highlights of your day with a drawing or a painting along with an optional description. Break down the scene by drawing or painting the most meaningful part of it. For example, you enjoy baking and were given many kitchen utensils as gifts. You can cherish those memories by drawing the items in the journal and making special notes. Another option is drawing places you traveled. Practice with a pencil, pen and add watercolor to bring it to life. The class will learn how to draw loosely and not worry about the details. Also you will learn depth and composition skills. Any one 14 and up is welcome to attend. This is for beginners to intermediate . You are invited to have fun!
Who :: 16 and up
Dates and Time :: Two Thursdays, April 17th and 24th from 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Fee :: $85 - Register here and select from Mixed Media Class dropdown - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by April 3rd. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
The Basics of Drawing
Looking to learn how to draw and not sure where to start? This 2 session workshop will help you to learn the fundamentals and basic techniques to get started in the craft. Great for teens and adults, absolutely no experience necessary we’ll be starting with the very basics of pencil drawing. In the first session well will discuss pencil types and hardness as well as the different types of papers and or surfaces to draw on. We will also practice pencil line weight and shading as well as drawing in perspective. In the second session we’ll put into practice what was covered in the first session and practice drawing from a still life.
You will need to bring:
Any manufacture for the following pencils,
2H pencil, HB pencil, 2B pencil
Canson Mixed Media Pad 14X17 or 18X24
Kneaded eraser
Blending Stump medium size
Instructor :: David Thelen
Who :: Teens and Adults
Date :: 2 Tuesdays, April 22nd and 29th from 4 pm - 6pm
Cost :: $75 - Register here and select from Painting and Drawing Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by April 8th. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions or email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Collagraph is like a printed collage. Any image can be used; abstract concepts or representational ideas can be used in collagraph. Shapes made from paper and textures like lace, gauze or sandpaper can be glued to a mat board plate. Painterly marks can be made with gesso or molding paste. The plate can have areas where a layer of the mat board is peeled off. The plate is sealed with gloss polymer before printmaking ink is applied, and it is printed using dampened paper in an etching press. The plate can be printed many times. Works shown above are of the instructor and of her collection.
Who :: 16 and older
Dates and Time :: April 25th and May 2nd from 1:30 - 3:30
Cost :: $120 - Register here and select from Printmaking Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
No experience needed and all materials provided.
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by 2 weeks prior to the start of each session. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
A Taste of Slab Work: Make a Vase
Interested in learning the basics of working with clay? In this class you will learn how to create 3-D forms using slabs of clay, and the basics of working with clay! We will spend time crafting a vase to hold flowers, cooking utensils, or more! Then, we will focus on learning the various ways texture can be applied to the clay surface to decorate and embellish. You will also learn about the glazing and firing process. All materials and firing costs covered in tuition. Great for teens and adults. Absolutely no experience necessary, but a great refresher course, too. Please allow 2 weeks between class and picking up fired vases.
Who :: Teens and older
Time :: Sunday, April 27th from 1:30 - 3:30 pm.
Cost :: $55 - Register here and select from Pottery Class dropdown - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
No Experience required. 4 people minimum per session.
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by 2 weeks prior to the start of each session. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Pinch Pots: Small Nesting Bowls
In this class you learn how to create pinch pots, and the basics of working with clay! (Refresher for returning students). You will learn how to gauge clay proportions and pinching technique to create a set of two nesting bowls and learn about the glazing and firing process. All materials and firing costs covered in tuition. Great for teens and adults. Absolutely no experience necessary, but a great refresher course, too. Please allow 2 weeks between class and picking up fired vases.
Who :: Teens and older
Time :: Sunday, May 4th from 1:30 - 3:30 pm.
Cost :: $55 - Register here and select from Pottery Class dropdown - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
No Experience required. 4 people minimum per session.
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by 2 weeks prior to the start of each session. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Offered to all artists who want to explore watercolor regardless if it’s abstract or representational. Evolving from my prior workshops, drawing on my formal training as an architect and following my popular non-traditional watercolor approach, this studio based class for watercolor is suited for everyone from novice to experienced artist. It is offered in three 4-hour sessions over separate Saturdays.
This workshop concentrates on demonstrating various watercolor techniques (wet on wet, washes and dry glazing), representational quantities (atmospheric perspective, 1 and 2 point perspective, color choices, shade and shadow, trees, clouds, entourage), and student requests; allowing the student to bring their artwork in for discussion, as well as class time to work on their artwork… Knowing that watercolor can be a misunderstood and avoided medium, Stu teaches that there are always several options to any approach be it application, technique or style driven. When one understands that “yellow and blue doesn’t always equal green”, the individual will understand that there are several different ways to approach any problem, not just the tried and true method. Stu is of the belief that to learn, understand and appreciate representational watercolor that one must start with abstract techniques and approaches.
The Mill will provide boards for the student’s use to mount artwork on during class time. Otherwise all materials are by the student. A basic material list will be provided upon registration. Stu brings an innovative approach and unique mindfulness process to learning how to work with watercolors that he adapts to both the novice and experienced artist, such that all attendees learn from each other.
Instructor :: Stu Chait
Who :: 16 and older
Dates and Time :: Three Saturdays, May 3rd, 17th, and 31st from 10 am - 2:30 pm
Cost :: $225 - Register here and select from Painting and Drawing Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
No prerequisite coursework required. 3 people minimum.
Tradition lithography is a complicated, multi-step process which uses many toxic chemicals. In this one day workshop, participants will learn a very simplified, non-toxic version of this printmaking process called Kitchen Lithography. Developed by a French printmaker, Emilie Aizier in 2011, this method uses many products easily found in your kitchen - aluminum foil, cooking oil, and Coca-Cola. The process will be discussed and demonstrated, then participants will have an opportunity to create and print their own lithograph. We will discuss best practices for a successful print, ink and paper choices, as well as a variety of alternate press options. All materials will be supplied. Participants should bring an apron (printmaking can get quite messy) and a pair of latex type gloves.
Instructor :: Katherine Baca-Bielinis
Who :: Older Teens and Adults
Class Date and time :: Thursday, May 1st from 5:30 - 8pm
Fee :: $90 - Register here and select from Printmaking Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by 2 weeks prior to the start of each session. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Gelli Plate Printmaking With Botanicals
Let nature be your muse! In this class we will be using “flora” gathered from your garden or yard to print with on a Gelli Plate. Gelli Plates are reusable printing plates that let you create monoprints without a press.
Please bring freshly picked leaves, flowers, soft stems, grasses, feathers, etc. The more variety, the better. You’ll be encouraged to consider the importance of color and value while printing. This medium is fun and invites experimentation, expect plenty of time to play!
Suitable for beginners and for those with some experience in Gelli printing.
You’ll need to bring to the workshop:
• freshly picked foliage, flowers, grasses etc
• a soft rubber brayer (Speedball 2.5”-3”)
• a Gelli Arts printing plate (8” x 10”) or whatever size you have
• any special papers you’d like to print on.
• an apron and something to drink.
The Mill Art Center provides paint, basic paper, paper towel and baby wipes.
Instructor :: Jean Stephens
Who :: Older Teens and Adults
Dates and Time :: Sunday, May 18th from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Cost :: $100.00 - Register here and select from Printmaking Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by 2 weeks prior to the start of each session. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Botanical Illustration with Watercolor
Create a beautiful botanical painting using watercolor. We will explore color matching, measured drawing, and watercolor painting techniques to create an accurate botanical painting. You will gain an appreciation for slowing down and truly seeing the forms and colors that comprise a flower. Even though you are trying to accurately replicate your observations, each artist will paint an individual and unique representation. Previous watercolor experience necessary.
Supply List
Winsor & Newton watercolors - Indanthrene Blue, Winsor Lemon, Permanent Rose 14ml
1-22x30” sheet of Hot Press 140# bright white watercolor paper, Fabriano Artistico, Saunders Waterford or Arches
A few small round watercolor brushes ranging from size 00 - 4 (Kolinsky sables are best but there are good synthetics also)
White palette if you have one - can be plastic, porcelain or butcher tray
Recommended but not necessary:
Magnifying glass
Phone to take photos
Instructor :: Melissa Mihalyov
Who :: Older Teens and Adults Class size limited to 6 people
Dates and Time :: Two Sundays, June 1st and 8th from 12 - 2:30 pm
Cost :: $120.00 - Register here and select from Painting and Drawing Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by 2 weeks prior to the start of each session. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Painting Landscapes with Watercolor
This course is for people who have some experience painting with watercolor.
Working from resource materials, you will learn and practice studying landscapes and determining which parts to include in your composition. You will learn how to create depth in your landscape using value and color. You will also learn how using water and different brush strokes create details in your painting.
You will need to bring:
1. Watercolor paints
2. Pallet for mixing colors
3. Watercolor brushes (various sizes and shapes including a large wash brush)
4. Watercolor paper – four sheets per class (minimum size 8x10, 140 lbs cold press)
6. 8x10 color photo prints of two different landscapes or two different color photos on iPad (not cell phones)
7. Small color wheel chart (if you have one)
Instructor :: Donna Gustina
Who :: Older Teens and Adults
Date :: 4 Wednesdays, June 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th from 1:30 - 4 pm
Cost :: $165 - Register here and select from Painting and Drawing Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by March 26th. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions or email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Abstract Landscape Painting Workshop
In this workshop we will explore creating spirited and compelling landscape paintings. Take a look at any plein air painting you have done, enlarge a section and you will see that you have been working with abstraction all along. We never actually paint what we see, we translate the environment into color, form, line and composition, mentally cropping and tweaking, resizing, and placing it on a flat surface called a painting. We will be working with what you already know and moving toward an abstract vision.
Connie has added a color exercise, exploring primary and secondary color, mass tone and undertone, warm and cool pigments and how they work in a landscape. Open to artists of all levels and working in all mediums. Most materials will be provided.
Day will include:
1. Short overview of some abstract landscape painters 2. Demonstration of paint applications 3. Paint sketching from provided images 4. Discussion on distilling your vision 5. Applying abstraction in the plein air setting 6. Review of dimensional space and flat space
You will need to bring your lunch, and apron, your phone/camera, and an open spirit of exploration!
Instructor :: Connie Ehindero
Who :: Older Teens and Adults
Date :: Saturday, June 21st from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Cost :: $155 Register here and select from Painting and Drawing Class dropdown menu - PayPal, Cash or check made out to Mill Art Center. Our address is 61 N Main St. Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
***Sign Language interpreting for this class is available upon request by March 1st. Please indicate your request when completing the registration form. If you have questions or email us at millartcenter@gmail.com. Efforts will be made to accommodate last-minute requests but cannot guaranteed !!!
Registration and Cancellation Information
In order to reserve a space in a class or workshop at The Mill Art Center you must pay in full. You may do this by registering online or by mailing us a check made out to the Mill Art Center; Our mailing address is 61 N. Main St Honeoye Falls, NY 14472.
Our Prorated Fee Policy
The Mill Art Center will prorate a class fee only if the instructor is in agreement. The prorated fee is such that 50% of the cost of the missed class will be paid for by the student. For example: if a 3 day class costs $300, and a student plans to attend two days, the tuition cost is prorated to $250.
Our cancellation policy is such that a 15% fee will be deducted from any refund given up to one week prior to the start of the class or workshop. NO Refund will be given for a cancellation made the week prior to the start of the class or workshop.
in the event that you have registered for a class or workshop and it is cancelled, you will be reimbursed fully.
Our mission is to provide opportunities for people of diverse ages, ability, and skill level, to engage in creative development and artistic expression through adult, teen and children’s classes, workshops, lectures, and art exhibitions.