Celebration by Jennifer Apetz, Watercolor - $125
Blue Ice Flow lll by Gabriele Lodder, Pastel - $900
Poem for Dusk by Lanna Pejovic, Oil on canvas - $3500
Falling Leaves by Carol O’Brien, Encaustic - $140
Abstract or Not, They Are Flowers by Natasha Petrenko, Watercolor - $350
Letchworth Formation by Phyllis Bryce Ely, Encaustic - $375
Groundation by Paul Brandwein, Acrylic on panel - $700
A Distant Edge by Darlene Rayburn, Acrylic - $100
Elements by Connie Ehindero, Encaustic - $650
By and By by Peggy Kehoe, Acrylic on canvas - NFS
Frozen Drop of Water by Eric Granger, Photography - $175 SOLD
Cheimon by Robert Wisner, Watercolor - $800
Wildfire Souls by Rosemary Pergolizzi, Oil - $840
On the Horizon by Anne McCune, Encaustic - $375
Bark of a Plane Tree in Seville by Nancy Kraus, Wet and needle felted wool - $200
Early Spring by Karen Strapp, Mosaic - $750
Reflections on . . . by Denise Heischman. Acrylic - $850
Fight or Flight by Maureen Church, Encaustic with mixed media - $600
Purposeful Puzzle by Lori Mugnolo, Mixed media - $100
Yellow by Peter Veitch, Acrylic on canvas - $3200
Labyrinth by Jean Stephens, Mixed media collage - $400 SOLD
Helix by Karen Frutiger, Mixed media - $550
Beyond Extinction by Fran Bliek, Acrylic - $800
Sands of Time Interrbenum #5 by Peter Monacelli, Mixed media - $175
Into the woods by MaryEllen Bertram, Digital photo collage - $120
Above and Below by Donna Gustina, Watercolor - $240
Hide and Seek by Doris Hooker, Acrylic - $400
Petrified by Erin Green, Watercolor with Caran D’ache pencils - $200
Rhythms of the Land by Kathryn Bevier, Pastel - $450
Allongé with Hat by Nancy Radzik, Assemblage - $95
On the Edge by Teri Silsby, Acrylic on canvas - $600
Please contact to inquire about artwork on this page.
Under Sea by Carol Acquilano, Acrylic painting - $3500
Spirit Flight by Lynne Schulte LaValley, Oil on linen - $2400
Aria by Paula Crawford, Oil on canvas - $3300
Untitled by Denise Fabrizio, Acrylic mono print - $125
Filoplume Feathers by Rachel Kouwe, 100% cotton with glass beads - $75
Seashine by Stephanie Kelly, Mixed media - $200
Dream Tree by Jeanine Hayden, Alcohol ink on tile - $400
Cosmic Symmetry by Christian Bicek, Colored pencil - $1000
Wrong Way by Pamela Viggiani, Mixed media - $225
Jack Frost at the Window by Steven Piotrowski, Acrylic - $300
Acadia 2 by Mary Ann Proia, Tapestry - $320
Spirit by Mark Cudney, Watercolor and ink - Original NFS - 18x24 archival prints available for $200
The Protector by Barb Rathbun, Photo encaustic - $150
Absence and Presence “Homage to Betty Goodman” by Janet Zandy, Mixed media - NFS
In the Elements by Elaine Verstraete, Acrylic - $495
Untitled #10 by Bill Stephens, White pen on paper - $550
Connection by Sandra Tyler, Oil on canvas - $475
Euphonic by Robin McCondichie, Pastel - $1225
Tides of Eden by Stu Chait, Watercolor and charcoal on canvas - $400
Avon, NY by Paul Bergwall, Pigment ink on cotton paper - $375
Untitled (II-1) Tarrant Clements, Oil on canvas with collage - $1800
Pappus-clad by Lindy McElroy, Watercolor - $150
Distraction by Dawn Robinson, Ink - $240
Oro Valley by Evelyne Albanese, Watercolor on archival paper - $75
Da: Abstract Reality by MariAnne O’Loughlin, Watercolor - $950
Tribal Landscape by Michelle Atlas, Mixed media - $225
Huge Carved Catalpa Bowl by Martin Meiss, Catalpa wood - $450
The Inner Circle by Regina Maier, Ceramic and twine - $200
Sometime Long Ago - La Fiesta by Dan Scally, Acrylic on board - $400
The Ridge by Judy S Gohringer, Acrylic on wood - $350
Winter #24 by Virginia Yates Vigh, Acrylic on birch - SOLD
Irondequoit Creek by Lida Riedlinger, Photo Encaustic with mixed media - $425